Master The Finals: Complete Guide To Game Modes & Loadouts

This class is your all-around access pass to the final strategic excellence, delving into its well-rounded health pool. The medium has a total of 225. The medium is the most adaptable class in the game; it's generally strong in any situation, up close, mid-range, or far away; it doesn't matter. The medium class can almost always put up a great fight on equal footing.

best loadouts the finals

Unfortunately, this class doesn't have a strong array of weapons like the others. Even though there are some great options, we personally recommend sticking with the AKM. Its sturdy damage output and straightforward handling are a great pair with the health pool that this build has to offer. The other alternative is the F-Car, another assault rifle that does a little more damage per shot, but the magazine size is a little lackluster.

Having only 20 bullets means you can basically go toe-to-toe with the heavy, while the AKM offers more sustained damage output. The only reason you might want the F car is if you truly can't stand the iron sight of the AK. As the F car comes equipped with great optics and plenty of visibility for shooting, you might be wondering, Hey, what makes this class so versatile if there's only one good gun?

The medium's utility and gadgets are, in my opinion, some of the best in the entire game. Starting with the gadgets, options include a healing beam, Guardian turret, and Recon senses.

Maximizing your play in ranked modes

Maximizing your play in ranked modes

The default Gadget being the healing beam equips a gun that delivers a steady flow of healing to a teammate when fired this beam can only be used on allies and not on yourself, so be careful of your own positioning when using it this gadget sought tons of Play Over the closed and open betas it did get nerfed, however it Still Remains a staple of the game having to wait for your automatic healing to kick in could mean the difference between life and death or winning and losing a side benefit of having a healing beam in your squad is that it forces you to play closer together as a team this will lead to less pickoffs and deaths in general over the course of a game the beam is especially good when paired with Heavy's massive healing pool allowing a consistent sustain for them to pump out damage, next we'll cover the turret the guardian turret is a Deployable.

complete guide to game modes loadouts

Even when there are no cashouts active and only vaults are spawning, knowing where everyone in the game is will always help you avoid fighting two teams at once.

Conclusion and final thoughts

Conclusion and final thoughts

A good team using Recon will always know where attackers are coming from and what the angle is; there are no surprises. The icing on the cake is that it has an extremely low cooldown and great uptime compared to the others. To touch on some of the utilities available to this class, the medium has three class-specific things that we believe are the foundations of the kit: the zipline, the bounce pad, and the defibrillator.

The first two are self-explanatory. But they're strong because they offer easy repositioning for the entire squad, claiming that the high ground is much easier when you have something to get you up there instantly. One zip line or bounce pad might be enough for the whole team, but having multiple bounce pads isn't such a bad thing.

essential loadouts for dominating the finals game

Bounce pads can also be used to make rooms impossible to enter or to bounce the cash-out station. Since zip lines don't really have this dual functionality, we'll rank them right below the pads, the medium's defibrillator. Is a powerful instant revive tool on a reasonable cooldown, when used on a dead teammate it will jump start them back to half HP and be ready to go pairing the defib with a healing beam is a combo that will always put the team right back into battle we've tiptoed through the light maneuvered through the medium and now it's time to stomp our way into the world of the heavy brace yourselves for the final member of the cast a destructive space Creator from sledgehammers, to Shields this class is one of the craziest tanks we've seen in gaming being the slowest member of the cast The heav has 350 HP to make up for it when specializing in this class players will have to choose between an offensive approach or a defensive setup the three heavy gadgets are the chargeing slam, mes shield and goo gun if you're building aggressively, the charging slam is a staple it allows you to close the gap to your enemies so your close-range weapons can shine, speaking of close-range weapons the heavy can choose between the sledgehammer.


Shotgun and flamethrower, paired with Dome Shield, this build loves to get up close and personal. Another way to look at this character is as a defensive frontliner. Mesh Shield is very similar to Reinhardt Shield in OverWatch. For those that are familiar, it can be used to escort your team safely to a cashout or to push a room filled with turrets.

It works in both attacking and defending situations, making it our first pick for overall versatility. However, if you're a team that loves locking down objectives and letting no attacker in the goo gun have your name ridden all over it, did I mention that it could also block turret fire with ease?

The big thing to look out for is fire; it actually directly counters goo when goo is set on fire. All the goo attached sparks a flame, evaporating the whole thing. Both fire canisters and the flamethrower can ignite goo, but most people aren't using canisters anyway. Let's talk about his class-specific gear, notably the Dome Shield RPG and the barricade.


The Dome Shield is a powerful orb that when thrown generates an orb-shaped shield around it blocking enemy damage it's got a pretty short cooldown and it can easily soak a ton of bullets the Dome is essential to stealing cash outs last second throw it down on yourself right before stealing and let it do all the work protecting you moving on the RPG is somehow even more powerful this heavy only weapon is a rocket launcher with Splash damage and can do devastating, damage if used at the right time it can One-Shot the light claps which makes it an instant classic it can blow holes in walls or the ceiling too one great usage is to sit at a floor beneath your cash out and fire the RPG at the ceiling bringing it down to the floor and interrupting a potential steel, lastly and least effective the barricade ranks very low in Effectiveness.

Explore every aspect of THE FINALS with our Ultimate Guide. We reveal the secrets to mastering the game, including game modes, class breakdowns, top loadouts, and essential tips. This video is your key to achieving victory in THE FINALS.
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