The Finals - Full Macro Guide - How To Carry Solo Without Using Aim

I get that fighting is more fun, but I highly advise you to practice aim on normals or on some aim practice sides and make unranked decisions that have more than 80% chance of success; winning is way more fun. usually try to attack the cashout with only one team around a third-party attack. It is very messy due to the whole destruction thing, and even when you kill one whole team while fighting with the second one, the first can already respond and take you from behind if you are forced to do so or you have good communication.

With your team, of course, it's worth trying. The key here is to track enemy cooldowns, mines, or toe placements. If the B team will use most of their lethal cooldowns on you, you can jump in on one team quickly, wiping it. The best way to end this stage of the game is to make it out with two cashouts.

Being in first place and being the second team at this stage doesn't mean at all that you have your ticket to the next round in your hand; you'll still need to fight for it. The late game starts right when the last two volts appear on the map or when Mark hits the timer at 22k. Cash boxes are usually big enough to make the fourth team become the first, so even if you didn't make any cash out till this point, you can still end the game in the first place.

Just before making the last cash out, there's a chance that there won't be 22k volts due to extended fights throughout the game, so always track the amount of money players have extracted since the beginning. There is also overtime, which will take place if one of the teams puts the cash box in before the last 2 minutes and 10 seconds, as the cash out lasts 130 seconds.

The max overtime timer is set to 1 minute, so there's a possibility that the cash will last only 61 seconds if you put the box at the last second of the normal timer. How to Play a Late Game: If you are the first team in the ladder, you have the fewest things to do, but still, there can be a chance that you can lose the game, so we need to check a few things.

First, if there's a low difference between your team's gold and the second team's gold, you need to take into consideration the possibility of them raising their gold by getting a few kills, stealing cash outs, activating vaults, or putting cash outs in cash out stations. The safe spot is the difference of 5K gold between you and the second team.

The most important thing here is not to get wiped at all costs. Remember that if you get wiped, you will lose 30% of your total gold, and at this stage, it is game-changing, so calculate to know if there's a possibility for you to go down the ladder. If you'll get team wiped, if you're really close in terms of going with the next team in the ladder, you can do a few things.

If you're close to one of the vaults, keep it unactive when there is less than 1 minute left, including overtime, as the vault's opening time is 20 seconds, and then camp near it so you deny a chance of cashing it out for one team when there is more time on the clock. Cash The vault and then take it to the opposite side of the closest cash out station so no team can take it and again care about being wiped so you can, for example, send there only two people and one player can try to hide if the vaults are already being opened go to the nearest cash out station and make it really hard for any team to start the cash out but what vault slh, out station should I choose?

This really depends on the game; you need to analyze the situation and Target teams that can make you lose the game by cashing out those last decisions are really important, so always take your time and don't rush it. If you're on the second team, your main focus is to stay second. The important thing is don't greet in the first place because this usually ends up really badly.

So what you want to do is similar to the first team situation: guard the vault or take it away, but also, in this case, when you see that second volt is activated, instantly throw the first and rush to the second one. Do not let any team put the cash box into the cash out, as this instantly puts you at risk of being eliminated.

Also, the last fight is insanely messy, as all the teams will fight there. You can die randomly in some silly way and get knocked out. Remember that if there is a last cash out and you feel like there is no chance you will be able to steal it, help the first team steal it instead, as this will make you qualify.

Anyway, as a third or fourth team, your job here is simple: just go to the vault, cash it, and defend it, but if you're playing versus good players, usually there are really low chances you will win from this position as they can guard the cash out station and vaults, making it really hard to take it, so here, wait for the other team that is at risk of getting knocked out and let them open the vault and put it into the cash out station.

Try not to let any other team to them literally, guarding them if they are getting hard and gagged, though. Just go in as a third party to secure the cash out and run ASAP to the cash out station by yourself. But what to do when, even if you are pinging your team to do one of those things, they are still doing their own stuff?

Well, it depends, but what's important is that you don't ever feel forced to do something really stupid just because your team is pinging it and is about to do it most of the time. It's just better to secure Vault Solo, or at least don't die and wait for your teammates to respond after their instant death.

Those are the main things about the macro in the finals. There's also a big number of smaller things, but I will cover them in the future because the game is constantly changing now, and tips alone should make you hit Platinum rank even if you are average at aim. If you have something to add, feel free to leave a comment for me anyway.

I made this Full Macro Guide for you guys to have bigger perspective on the game and understand it more. I divided this video in 5 parts.